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Do you remember your first time traveling? Do you remember all that chaos? Did you guys forget to carry a few travel essentials because there was no one to guide you with what to carry and what not?
Let me tell you all about my first traveling experience. It was 2016 when I first traveled and I had mixed feelings, I could not decide what was I feeling, I was happy, but I was a bit nervous and confused!
I was unaware of what travel essentials to carry and what not! There was an overflow of luggage but a few things were wasteful to be carried.
Well, as I got used to traveling and starting to travel sometimes for official meetings and sometimes for a vacation and then I realized and got to know that carrying a lot of luggage shouldn’t be the goal rather the goal should be of carrying useful things.
In case you are planning a trip or are about to go for an official meeting abroad then I would
like to share with you all some must-have travel essentials that I carried with me during my
a recent trip to Dubai.
I hope these tips and things prove to be useful and will make your trip convenient yet
So I knew I didn’t want to forget this CONVENIENCE KITS INTERNATION which is a 10-piece set including travel-sized shampoo, conditioner, healing cream, body cream, and a few more things and can be helpful for women. You can get this kit at WALMART.
The second most essential thing which will surely help your trip more convenient and easy are these hand wipes which will not only help you in flight but also will help you throughout all your trip.
One should always carry a power bank or travel charger and especially if you have iPhone as you know about iPhone’s short battery issues.
I would recommend and would suggest you all carry with you a comfortable travel pillow to make your travel convenient and enjoyable. You can also carry an eye mask If you are on a flight that will take a long time or for a nap.
Last but not least don’t forget to carry a tripod stand to capture your memories.
Small Sewing Travel Kit
A sewing kit is another important thing to carry while traveling and you can find it easily at WALMART
Another of the most important thing I don’t think one will miss carrying is the waist bag to carry all basic things including money, passport, and other things. I bought this from WALMART and you will find it there too
I hope you found this blog interesting and helpful.
Lastly wishing you all to have a safe journey and hope all these things help you throughout the trip.